The following list is mainly focused on publications since 2009. For earlier publications of Nic Lampkin visit Researchgate, Google Scholar or Organic E-prints.
Lampkin N, Measures M, Padel S (eds.) (2023) 2023 Organic Farm Management Handbook. 12th edition. Organic Research Centre, Newbury. 250pp.
Grunewald K, Meier S, Bastian O, Syrbe R-U, Walz U, Schweppe-Kraft B, Lampkin N, et al. (2023) Bewertung von Ökosystemen und deren Leistungen in Deutschland. [Evaluation of ecosystems and their services in Germany. In: Grunewald, K., Bastian, O. (eds) Ökosystemleistungen [Ecosystem Services]. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp 251-478. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-65916-8_5 .
Lampkin N (2023) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union – past achievements and future challenges. Paper presented at: 97th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, University of Warwick, UK, March 2023.
Sanders J, Hermanowski R, Liebl B, Lampkin N, Padel S, Debuschewitz E (2023) Ziele und Wirkungsindikatoren zur verbesserten Steuerung der Förderpolitik des ökologischen Landbaus (ZiWi). [Target and impact indicators for improved management of support policies adressing organic farming.] Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig.
Lampkin N, Padel K (2023) Environmental impacts of achieving the EU’s 25% organic land by 2030 target: a preliminary assessment. IFOAM Organics Europe, Brussels.
Davier Zv, Padel S, Edebohls I, Devries U, Nieberg H (2023) Frauen auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in Deutschland – Leben und Arbeit, Herausforderungen und Wünsche: Befragungsergebnisse von über 7.000 Frauen. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 195 p, Thünen Working Paper 207, DOI:10.3220/WP1675324892000
Herrmann GA, Padel S (2023) Verbesserung des Ökokontroll- und Zertifizierungssystems durch die Integration von digitalen Zertifizierungs- und Produkttransaktionsdaten und von geografischen Daten und die Entwicklung eines umsetzbaren technologischen Konzepts am Beispiel der Getreidekette (Verbundvorhaben). [Improving the organic control and certification system by integrating digital certification and product transaction data and geographic data.] 1. Organic Services GmbH, D-Tutzing 2. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, D-Braunschweig .
Padel S, Davier Zv (2023) Geht es gerecht zu? Frauen im Ökolandbau. [Is it fair? Women in organic agriculture.] Ökologie und Landbau, 2023 (2), S. 46-47.
Lampkin N, Sanders S (2022) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union 2010-2020. Thünen Working Paper 200. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig. 122 p, DOI:10.3220/WP1663067402000 .
Lampkin N, Pearce B (2021) Organic Farming and Biodiversity: Policy Options. IFOAM Organics Europe, Brussels.
Lampkin N contributing consultant to IFOAM OE (2021) Organic in Europe: Prospects and Developments for Organic in CAP National Strategic Plans. IFOAM Organics Europe, Brussels.
Lampkin N (2021) New EU organic action plan to help delivery 25% by 2030. The Organic Grower, 55 (Summer), 12-13.
Lampkin N (2021) Organic farming. In: Soffe R. (ed.) The Agricultural Notebook. 21st edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Padel S, Orsini S, Solfanelli F, Zanoli R (2021) Can the Market Deliver 100% Organic Seed and Varieties in Europe? Sustainability, 13 (8), S. 1-13.
Sanders J, Lampkin N, Liebl B (2020) Bilanz und Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung der Zukunftsstrategie ökologischer Landbau. [Stocktake and Initiatives for the Further Development of the Organic Farming Looking Forward Strategy.] Schlussbericht BÖLN-Projekt FKZ: 2819OE066; 2819OE067. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig.
Lampkin N (2020) Balancing climate change and livestock production. Norgrass, 58:44-48.
Lampkin N, Sanders J (2020) Wirtschaftlichkeit des Ökolandbaus. [Profitability of organic farming.] BauernZeitung Ratgeber Ökolandbau 2020, pp30-33.
Lampkin N, Schwarz G, Bellon S (2020) Policies for agroecology in Europe, building on experiences in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Landbausforschung: Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems 70(2):103-112.
Lampkin N, Shrestha S, Sellars A, Baldock D, Smith J, Mullender S, Keenleyside C, Pearce B, Watson C (2020) Preparing the Evidence Base for Post-Brexit agriculture in Scotland – Case studies on alternative payments. Research Report No. 1201. NatureScot, Edinburgh.
Lampkin N, Stolze M, Meredith S, de Porras M, Haller L, Mészáros D (2020) Using Eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities. IFOAM EU, FIBL and IEEP, Brussels.
Orsini S, Costanzo A, Solfanelli F, Zanoli R, Padel S, Messmer MM, Winter E, Schaefer F (2020) Factors affecting the use of organic seed by organic farmers in Europe. Sustainability 12(20):8540.
Padel S (2020) Arbeiten in der Landwirtschaft: (K)Eine Frauensache? [ Working in agriculture: not a job for women] Ökologie und Landbau (2):12-14.
Padel S, Levidov L, Pearce B (2020) UK farmers’ transition pathways towards agroecological farm redesign: evaluating explanatory models. Journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 4 (2), pp. 139-163.
Sanders J, Lampkin N (2020) Umweltleistungen angemessen honorieren. BIOTOPP 4/2020:6-8.
Sanders J, Lampkin N (2020) Impulse für mehr Bio. [Initiatives for more organic.] Ökologie und Landbau, 02/2020:46-48.
Feher J, Padel S, Rossi A, Drexler D, Oehen B (2019) Diversified food system: Policy to embedding crop genetic diversity in food value chains. Diversifood Booklet, no. #5. ITAB.
Knudsen MT, Dorca-Preda T, Djomo SN, Peña N, Padel S, Smith LG, Zollitsch W, Hörtenhuber S, Hermansen JE (2019) The importance of including soil carbon changes, ecotoxicity and biodiversity impacts in environmental life cycle assessments of organic and conventional milk in Western Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 215, 433-443.
Lampkin N, Smith L, Padel K (2019) Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. WWF Scotland, Edinburgh.
Oehen B, Padel S, Rossi A (2019) Guidance Document and Considerations for the Marketing of Biodiverse Food Products. Diversifood Booklet, no. #7. ITAB.
Orsini S, Padel S, Gambelli D, Lernoud J, Sanders J, Solfanelli F, Stolze M, Willer H, Zanoli R (2019): Beyond ‘mainstream’ and ‘alternative’ in organic food supply chains: empirical examples of added value distribution from eight European countries. British Food Journal 122(3):798-812.
Smith L, Lampkin N (2019) Greener farming: managing carbon and nitrogen cycles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. In: Letcher TM (ed.) Managing Global Warming. An Interface of Technology and Human Issues. Academic Press, London. pp 553-577.
Orsini S, Padel S, Lampkin N (2018) Labour Use on Organic Farms: A Review of Research since 2000. Organic Farming, 4 (1)
Bliss K, Padel S, Ducottet C, Cullen B, Mullender S, Rasmussen I, Moeskops B (2018) Exchanging knowledge to improve organic arable farming: An evaluation of knowledge exchange tools with farmer groups across Europe. Organic Agriculture.
Hashem S, Migliore G, Schifani G, Schimmenti E, Padel S (2018) Motives for buying local, organic food through English Box Schemes. British Food Journal120 (7), 1600-1614.
Lampkin N (ed.) (2018) Response to the Defra Health and Harmony Consultation. English Organic Forum, Newbury.
Meredith S, Lampkin N, Schmid O (eds.) (2018) Organic Action Plans: Development, Implementation and Evaluation. 2nd edition. IFOAM EU, Brussels.
Padel S (2018) Setting and reviewing standards for organic farming. In: Koepke U(Ed.) Improving Organic Crop Production. 1st edition. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, Chapter 13, pp. 345-364.
Pretty J, Benton TG, Bharucha ZP et al. (2018) Global assessment of agricultural system redesign for sustainable intensification. Nature Sustainability, 1, 441–446.
Sacchi G, Cei L, Stefani G et al. (2018) A multi-actor literature review on alternative and sustainable food systems for the promotion of cereal biodiversity. Agriculture, MDPI Open Access Journal, 8, 1-29.
Lampkin N, Orsini S (2017) Welsh Organic Producer Survey 2016. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Padel S (2017) Introduction to global markets and marketing of organic food. In: Kareklas I, Muehling DD (eds) Deciphering organic foods: a comprehensive guide to organic food production, consumption, and promotion. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp 187-216.
Padel S, Rubenstein O, Woolford A, Egan J, Leake A, Levidow L, Pearce B, Lampkin N (2017) Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Viewpoints. A Report for the Landuse Policy Group. Organic Research Centre, Newbury and Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge.
Pearce BD, Lampkin NH, Leake A, Padel S (2017) The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. Aspects of Applied Biology, 136, 53-62.
Naspetti S, Mandolesi S, Buysse J, Latvala T, Nicholas PK, Padel S, Van Loo E, Zanoli R (2017) Determinants of the Acceptance of Sustainable Production Strategies among Dairy Farmers: Development and Testing of a Modified Technology Acceptance Model. Sustainability, 9 (10), 1805.
Scollan N, Padel S, Halsberg N, Hermansen J, Nicholas PK, Rinne M, Zanoli R, Zollitsch W, Lauwers L (2017), Organic and Low-Input Dairy Farming: Avenues to Enhance Sustainability and Competitiveness in the EU. EuroChoices. 16 (3), 40-45.
Lampkin N, Smith J, Smith L (2016) Agroecology and organic farming as approaches to reducing the environmental impact of agricultural chemicals. In: Hester R (ed.) Agricultural Chemicals and the Environment. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp 94-113.
Home R, Gerrard CL, Hempel C, Losták M, Vieweger A, Husák J, Stolze M, Hamm U, Padel S, Willer H, Vairo, D Zanoli R (2016) The quality of organic market data: providing data that is both fit for use and convenient. Organic Agriculture, 7 (2), pp. 141-152.
Lampkin N (2016) Brexit: Sackgasse oder Ausweg. Ökologie und Landbau, 2016(4), 46-47.
Lampkin N, Owen D, Gerrard C (2016) Welsh Organic Producer Survey 2015. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard C (2016) Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales, 2014/15. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Sanders J, Zanoli R, Gambelli D, Padel S, Orsini S, Stolze M, Lernoud J, Willer H (2016) Distribution of the added value of the organic food chain: Final Report. Bruxelles: European Commission, 93p.
Barret P, Marq P, Mayer C, Padel S (2015) Research for transition: Europeans deserve a better agricultural and food policy. Université catholique de Louvain and Organic Research Centre commissioned bythe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, Brussel.
Lampkin NH, Pearce BD, Leake AR, Creissen H, Gerrard CL, Girling R, Lloyd S, Padel S, Smith J, Smith LG, Vieweger A, Wolfe MS (2015) The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. Report for the Land Use Policy Group. Organic Research Centre, Newbury and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard C (2015) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2013/14. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard C, Owen D (2015) Improving efficiency in Welsh organic agriculture through costs of production benchmarking and assessing longer term supply trends. Better Organic Business Links (BOBL) report. Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth.
Padel S, Gerrard CL, Cottle F, Owen D (2015) The Organic Retail Market in Wales. Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth.
Padel S, Vaarst M, Zaralis, K. (2015) Supporting Innovation in Organic Agriculture: A European Perspective Using Experience from the SOLID Project. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4 (3), 28-37.
Schmid O, Padel S, Lampkin N, Meredith S (2015) Organic Action Plans: A Guide for Stakeholders. IFOAM EU, Brussels.
Strassner C, Cavoski I, Cagno RD, Kahl J, Kesse-Guyot E, Lairon D, Lampkin NH, Løes A-K, Matt D, Niggli U, Paoletti F, Pehme S, Rembiałkowska E, Schader C, Stolze M (2015) How the organic food system supports sustainable diets and translates these into practice. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2, 19.
Zander K, Padel S, Zanoli R (2015) EU organic logo and its perception by consumers. British Food Journal, 117 (5), pp. 1506-1526.
Gerrard C, Padel S, Lampkin N (2014) English Organic Producer Survey 2013. Report 2/2014. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Hietala S, Smith LG, Knudsen MT, Kurppa S, Padel S, Hermansen JE (2014) Carbon footprints of organic dairying in six European countries—real farm data analysis. Organic Agriculture 5 (2), 91-100.
Lampkin N, Measures M, Padel S (eds.) (2014) 2014 Organic Farm Management Handbook. 10th edition. Organic Research Centre, Newbury. 250pp.
Lampkin N, Gerrard C, Moakes S (2014) Long term trends in the financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales, 2006/07-2011/12. Report 1/2014, Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Lampkin N, Padel S (2014) Written evidence to the National Assembly for Wales Inquiry into organic production and labelling of organic products. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Marchand F, Debruyne L, Triste L, Gerrard C, Padel S, Lauwers L (2014) Key characteristics for tool choice in indicator-based sustainability assessment at farm level. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 46.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard C (2014) Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales 2012/13. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Pearson N (2014) Welsh Organic Producer Survey 2013. Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth.
Padel S, Lampkin N (2014) Wie wird der Ökolandbau in Europa gefördert? [How is organic farming supported in Europe?] Ökologie und Landbau, 2014(3), 12-14.
Schader C, Lampkin N, Muller A, Stolze M (2014) The role of multi-target policy instruments in agri-environmental policy mixes. Journal of Environmental Management, 145, 180-190.
Vieweger A, Häring AM, Padel S, Döring TF, Ekert S, Lampkin N, Murphy-Bokern D, Otto K (2014) The evaluation of the German Programme for Organic Food and Farming Research: results and pointers for the future. In: Rahmann G, Aksoy U (eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Thünen Report, No. 20. Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, pp. 351-354.
Zanoli R, Gambelli D, Solfanelli F, Padel S (2014) Assessing the risk of non-compliance in UK organic agriculture. British Food Journal, 116 (8), 1369-1382.
Zanoli R, Vairo D, Solfanelli F, Padel S, Gerrard C, Lampkin N, Willer H, Stolze M, Hamm U, Feldmann C (eds.) (2014) ORganic market data MAnual and CODE of Practice (OrMaCode). (Manual and Code of Practice for the initiation and maintenance of good organic market data collection and publication procedures) Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.
Schader C, Lampkin N, Christie M, Nemecek T, Gaillard G, Stolze M (2013) Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of organic farming support as an agri-environmental measure at Swiss agricultural sector level. Land Use Policy, 31, 196-208.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard C (2013) Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales 2011/12. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Smith J, Westaway S, Briggs S, Pearce B, Lampkin N (2013) Can Agroforestry Deliver Production and Environmental Benefits in the Next Rural Development Programme? Report for Natural England. Organic Research Centre, Newbury, 117 pp
Sanders, Jürn (Hrsg.) (2013) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Thünen-Institut , Germany, Braunschweig. see also https://ec.europa.eu/info/food-farming-fisheries/key-policies/common-agricultural-policy/cmef/farmers-and-farming/eu-legislation-organic-farming_en
Padel S, Sanders J, Vieweger A (2013) Intervention logic of the EU legislation on organic farming. In: Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. In Sanders J (2013 Ed) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming-Study Report Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, pp 41-50.
Padel S, Vieweger A, Nocentini L, Devot A, Schmid O, Stolze M (2013) Adequacy of the production rules. In Sanders J (2013 Ed) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming-Study Report Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics pp. 73-130.
Sanders J, Padel S, Nocentini L, Stolze M, Huber B, Zander K, Polakova J, Keenleyside C (2013) Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations. In Sanders J (2013 Ed) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming-Study Report Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics,pp 273-294.
Ekert S, Döring T, Häring AM, Lampkin N, Murphy-Bokern D, Otto K, Padel S, Vieweger A (2012) Evaluation des Bereichs Forschung und Entwicklung im Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau. [Evaluation of the German Federal Research Programme on Organic Agriculture.] Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Bonn.
Gerrard CL, Moakes S, Padel S (2012) The use of Farm Business Survey data to compare the environmental performance of organic and conventional farms, International Journal of Agricultural Management, 2(1), 5-16.
Lampkin N (Sub-group Chair) with Beck AR, Cabaret J, Halberg N, Ivanova-Peneva S, Melby Jespersen L, Kretzschmar U, Lembo G, Monod M, Moritz RFA, Plaza Perez JL, Speiser B, Tittarelli, F (2012) Final Report on Poultry.
Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Production (EGTOP) Report. European Commission, Brussels.
Moakes S, Lampkin N, Gerrard CL (2012) Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales 2010/11. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Müller A, Olesen J, Smith L, Davis J, Dytrtová K, Gattinger A, Lampkin N, Niggli U (2012) Reducing Global Warming: The Potential of Organic Agriculture. Working Papers in Economics, no. 526, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg .
Naspetti S, Lampkin N, Nicholas P, Stolze M, Zanoli R (2011) Organic supply chain collaboration: a case study in eight EU countries. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 17, 141-162.
Sanders J, Stolze M, Padel S (eds) (2012) Use and efficiency of public support measures adressing organic farming: study report. Braunschweig: vTI, 150 p. see also https://ec.europa.eu/info/food-farming-fisheries/key-policies/common-agricultural-policy/cmef/farmers-and-farming/use-and-efficiency-public-support-measures-addressing-organic-farming_en
Lampkin N (2011) Relevance of OECD agri-environmental measures for PES. In: Ottaviani D, Scialabba N el-H (eds.) Payments for Ecosystem Services and Food Security. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome. pp 45-67.
Lampkin N, Bailey A, Lang B, Wilson P, Williams A, Sandars D, Fowler S, Gerrard C, Moakes S, Mortimer S, Nicholas P, Padel S (2011) The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-level Benchmarking to Environmental and Other Aspects of Farm Performance. Defra project DO0103 final report. Organic Research Centre and partners, Newbury.
Schmid O, Padel S, Levidov L (2012) The Bio-Economy Concept and Knowledge Base in a Public Goods and Farmer Perspective. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 1 (1), pp. 47-63. http://orgprints.org/20942/
Lampkin N, Measures M, Padel S (eds.) (2011) 2011/12 Organic Farm Management Handbook. 9th edition. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Moakes S, Lampkin N (2011) Organic Farm Incomes in England and Wales 2009/10. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
Padel S, Lampkin N (2011) Introduction to the concepts and principles of organic farming. In: Kölling A (ed.) Organic Food and Farming: a System Approach to Meet the Sustainability Challenge. IFOAM EU, Brussels, pp 1-2.
Smith J, Wolfe M, Woodward L, Pearce B, Lampkin N (2011) Organic Farming and Biodiversity: a Review of the Literature. Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth.
Lampkin N (2010) Organic farming myths and reality. World Agriculture, 1, 46-53.
Zander K, Hamm U, Freyer B, Gössinger K, Hametter M, Naspetti S, Padel S, Stolz H, Stolze M, Zanoli R (2010) Farmer consumer partnerships – how to successfully communicate the values of organic food: A handbook. Kassel: Univ Kassel, 38 p.
Padel S, Röcklinsberg H, Schmid O (2009) The implementation of organic principles and values in the European Regulation for organic food. Food Policy 34 (2009), pp. 245-251. Preprint at http://orgprints.org/5509/
Schmid O, Padel S, Halberg N, Huber M, Darnhofer I, Micheloni C, Koopmans C, Bügel S, Stopes C, Willer H, Schlüter M, Cuoco E (2009) Strategic Research Agenda for organic food and farming. Brussels:TP Organics. Available at http://www.tporganics.eu.
Stolze M, Lampkin N (2009) Policy for organic farming: rationale and concepts. In: Stolze M, Lampkin N (eds.) Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe. Special Section. Food Policy 34, 237-244.
Lampkin N, Schmid O, Dabbert S, Michelsen J, Zanoli R (eds.) (2008) Organic Action Plan Evaluation Toolbox (ORGAPET). Aberystwyth University, UK and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.
Schader C, Sanders J, Nemecek T, Lampkin N, Stolze M (2008) A modelling approach for evaluating agri-environmental policies at sector level. Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture, 2008, 93-132
Marley C, Cook R, Barrett J, Keatinge R, Lampkin N (2006) The effects of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and chicory (Cichorium intybus) when compared with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) on ovine gastro-intestinal parasite development, survival and migration. Veterinary Parasitology, 138, 280-290.
Rippin M, Willer H, Lampkin N, Vaughan A. (eds.) (2006) Towards a European Information System for Organic Markets. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.
Lampkin N, Fowler SM, Jackson A, Jeffreys I, Lobley M, Padel S, Reed M, Roderick S, Woodward L (2006) Sustainability assessment for organic farming-integrating financial, environmental, social and animal welfare benchmarking. Aspects of Applied Biology, 79, 9-13.
Lampkin N (2005) Organic farming. In: Soffe RJ (ed.) The Countryside Notebook. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 181-198.
Padel S (2008) Values of organic producers converting at different times: Results of a focus group study in five European countries. Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 7 (1), 7(1):pp. 63-77.
Padel S, Foster C (2005) Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8) 606-625.
Padel S, Midmore P (2005) The development of the European market for organic products: insights from a Delphi study. British Food Journal, 107(8) 626-647.
Vaarst M, Padel S, Hovi M, Younie D, Sundrum A (2005) Sustaining animal health and food safety in European organic livestock farming- presentation of a European Network Project. Livestock Production Science 94 (1-2), 61-69.
Nicholas PK, Padel S, Cuttle SP, Fowler SM, Hovi M, Lampkin NH, Weller RF (2004) Organic dairy production – a review. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 22, 217-249.
Lampkin N (2003) Organic farming. In: Soffe RJ (ed.) Primrose McConnell’s Agricultural Notebook. 20th edition. Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp 288-303.
Marley C, Cook R, Barrett J, Keatinge R, Lampkin N, McBride S (2003) The effect of dietary forage on the development and survival of helminth parasites in ovine faeces. Veterinary Parasitology, 118, 93-107.
Marley C, Cook R, Barrett J, Keatinge R, Lampkin N, McBride S (2003) The effect of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and chicory (Cichorium intybus) on parasite intensities and performance of lambs naturally infected with helminth parasites. Veterinary Parasitology, 112, 147-155.
Padel S (2002) Conversion to Organic Milk Production: the change process and farmers’ information needs; PhD thesis, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Padel S, Lampkin N, Dabbert S, Foster C (2002) Organic farming policy in the European Union. Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources 4 (Pesticides, Food safety and Organic Food Policy), edited by Darwin Hall, 169-194.
Robson MC, Fowler SM, Lampkin N, Leifert C, Leitch M, Robinson D, Watson CA, Litterick AM (2002) The agronomic and economic potential of break crops for ley/arable rotations in temperate organic agriculture. Advances in Agronomy, 77, 370-427.
Stockdale EA, Lampkin NH, Hovi M, Keatinge R, Lennartsson EKM, Macdonald DW, Padel S, Tattersall FH, Wolfe MS, Watson C (2001) Agronomic and environmental implications of organic farming systems. Advances in Agronomy, 70, 261-262.
Lampkin N (2001) Agricultura Ecológica [Organic Farming]. Mundi Prensa, Madrid.
Padel S (2001) Conversion to organic farming: a typical example of the diffusion of an innovation. Sociologia Ruralis 41 (1), 49-61.
Padel S, Lampkin N, Foster C (1999) Influence of policy support on the development of organic farming in the European Union. International Planning Studies, 4, 303-315.
Lampkin N, Foster C, Padel S, Midmore P (1999) The Policy and Regulatory Environment for Organic Farming in Europe. Organic Farming in Europe: Economics and Policy, 1. Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim.
Lampkin N, Padel S, Fowler S, Rajah K, McDougall I, Langstaff L, O’Regan T, Sharples T (1997) Constraints on Developing Organic Poultry Production. Report for Defra. University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
McLenaghen RD, Cameron KC, Lampkin NH, Daly ML, Deo B (1996) Nitrate leaching from ploughed pasture and the effectiveness of winter catch crops in reducing leaching losses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 39, 413-420.
Heath ACG, Lampkin N, Jowett JH (1995) Evaluation of non‐conventional treatments for control of the biting louse (Bovicola ovis) on sheep. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 9, 407-412.
Lampkin N, Padel, S (eds.) (1994) The Economics of Organic Farming: an International Perspective. CABI, Wallingford.
Neuerburg W, S Padel (eds.) (1992) Organisch-biologischer Landbau in der Praxis [Organic Agriculture in Practice]. BLV-Verlag; Muenchen.
Lampkin N (1990) Organic Farming. Farming Press, Ipswich.